It’s a boy!

My first birth of the summer!  Let the babies begin. 🙂

The full moon of the summer solstice was shining bright when I got the call that my client was heading into Munson Medical Center in Traverse City, Michigan.  I had been in close contact with my client since she had been having some pretty painful contractions and a false alarm a few days earlier.  She had an hour drive and said she was not sure if she was going to make it.  I have a 15 minute drive to the hospital, so I said goodnight to my kids and headed to the hospital so I could beat them there.  I texted them when I got there and shortly after I got a text saying that her water broke in the car and they called 911 so the ambulance could take them the rest of the way.  As I opened my door, I heard the ambulance sirens blazing.  I quickly got all of my gear and headed into the hospital to get my visitor pass so I could be waiting for them when they came in… camera ready.  I’m so glad I did.  I waited in the hallway so I could be ready and just minutes later the door was being opened to make room for my client to come through on the gurney.  I followed them into their hospital room capturing what images I could while the EMS team quickly got her settled in her room and ready to push her baby out.  Not 5 minutes later she had her little boy in her arms!  So fast and furious and perfect in every way. Way to go mamma!  Congratulations!!


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